Understanding the fruit is a perfect stepping stone for understanding spiritual growth when you’re pursuing discussion topics on fruit of the Spirit.
When we defined spiritual fruit in our Home Bible Study article, we spoke about the natural outflowing of Christ-like attributes in response to our growth. The clearest principle for discussion is that spiritual growth is not complicated.
While many a believer wait for the perfect ministry or application of the fruit, the answer lies simply in that the ministry you choose is your ministry. Elizabeth Hemen, in her book Jesus with Skin: The Fruit of the Spirit, writes that that can be as simple as being courteous to your neighbor.
Spiritual growth, then, is a result of applying yourself to your ministry and letting Christ live through you.
To summarize our discussion points:
Understanding the natural outflowing
– Trusting in God’s promises
Your ministry is the one you choose
– Praying for application
Not a complicated process
– Praying for opportunity
Always conveying the importance of fruit plus application
– Praying for direction in growth
– The comfort of much Scripture about the fruit of the Spirit
Small Group Bible Study
Elizabeth Hemen writes, “There is nothing more inspiring than really getting into God’s Word.
“Individual reading is wonderful but a study with a group of Christian friends is so rewarding.
“The book, Jesus with Skin, lends itself so well to a group study and discussion.
“There are not a lot of question and answer pages but paragraphs which will lead to open discussion.
“The open-ended format suggests that everyone look up Bible verses that go with each chapter.
“God bless as you start your journey into God’s magnificent Word.”
- Accessible study of Galatians 5:22-23
- Bite-size
- Nondenominational
- Individual or Group Study
- Reader Journal Pages
- Under 70 pages
Trusting in God’s promises:
– “…He who hath begun a good work in you…” – Philippians 1:6
– “…another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever;” – John 14:16. This is your direction.
Praying for application – Encounters with familiar people. Difficult or challenging situations with familiar people. Encouraging fellow believers.
Praying for opportunity – New encounters with those unfamiliar to you, New areas of growth that may challenge your comfort zone. Helping those in need. Volunteering. Serving in church.
Praying for direction and growth – The world needs to hear the Gospel; it needs to see our Light. Opportunity plus application equal growth.
Finding comfort in much Scripture about fruit of the Spirit – see our article where we talk about numerous Bible verses supporting all the fruit.
Devotional Lessons for Young Adults
Understanding the world.
– Disobedient, proud, covetous: 2 Timothy 3:2
– World is driven to distraction; enmity with God: James 4:4
– Maintain a Biblical worldview – I Peter 3:15
Praying for growth in the Spirit
Sharing experiences with peers. The need is there! John 3:16-21
Sowing to the Spirit
Encouraging others with the Gospel
Building a team or support network, praying with and for one another
Video Resources
Audio / Video:
J. Vernon McGee
Jesus loves you! J Vernon McGee teaches us “The Holy Spirit and Fruit Bearing” in this Sunday Sermon in a way that you can easily understand. Thru the Bible Radio.
Adrian Rogers
Have you found yourself trying to live the Christian life by trying to do “the best you know how”? Adrian Rogers shows you that this is NOT God’s plan! He’s given you more than a map to follow—there’s actually Someone waiting to lead you in the way you are to go–the Holy Spirit. He will be your guide if you will let him lead you. Scripture References: Galatians 5:19-23 Series: Fruit of the Spirit
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